All About The Homestead

My name is Bethany. I am the mother of three AMAZING children. Two boys and one girl. I am married to my wonderful, loving and hardworking husband.  We have been together for 14 years and married for almost 11!!! We started our lives together living in a small town (big for me), then built a house, sold it and then I made full circle back to the land in the sticks where I was raised......The Homestead. My family homesteaded the land on which we live today and have kept it in the family for over 200 years!! Pretty incredible if I do say so! 

Some more about me.......................I am a stay at home mom, something I am very thankful for and proud to say. If you only learn one thing from or about me, I would want it to be this: I put GOD first, Family second and everything else falls into place. My family and I would not be where we are today if it wasn't our loving and forgiving Saviour.

So my life is crazy busy, but I wouldn't change it for anything. And most of the time I'm the one that makes it that way!!  I love to make and create anything and everything.  I like to think if someone else can do it, so can I! This drives my husband crazy at times because I always have some sort of "project", or mess as he likes to call , in the house, but he understands because he is the same way.

My favorite hobbies/side jobs:

1. CAKES - wedding cakes, birthday cake, cupcakes, cookies, cake pops etc. Check out my FB page!
2. PHOTOGRAPHY - my newest love and obsession (started out by just wanting to save some money on our own kids and ended up turning into a complete shutter bug) Check out my FB page for this too!
3. PARTY PLANNING - I love hand making everything. NO STORE BOUGHT PACKAGES for my kids!! I have a computer and I know how to use it!!

Well I think that's about it! I hope you enjoy my posts and get some inspiration to get out there and create!!!


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